Why Isn’t Therapy Helping Me Break Up With My Affair Partner? “I want to break up with my affair partner—but I feel stuck. I’m in therapy and I feel like it’s not helping.” Being the other woman isn’t easy, and this is a common struggle many face: you’ve sought...
He Chose His Wife But Still Contacts Me—Am I Helping His Marriage? “He chose his wife but still contacts me.” Your affair partner made it clear that he chose his wife—but he’s still hanging onto your secret relationship too. He might rationalise his decision by saying...
Your Affair Partner Told His Wife About You… And Then You Got Blocked. Here’s Why. Whether you were warned in advance that it was happening or not, knowing your affair partner told his wife about you is incredibly intense and emotional. Anxiety. Dread. Relief....
I Had An Affair—Am I A Bad Person? It’s not easy saying “I had an affair” —for most married women, this admission brings up a spectrum of emotions. It takes time to process such a significant experience, especially if you’re wondering how you even got here in the...
“I Resent My Affair Partner”: The Truth Behind Your Hurt “As much as I love him, I resent my affair partner too.” Are those words familiar? Even though you can’t stop thinking about your AP, you might also feel anger, frustration—or even rage—towards him....
Red Flags You Need to End An Affair With a Married Man Is it time for you to end an affair with a married man? It’s not easy to know when it’s truly time to call it quits. Affair relationships can leave you in the midst of an emotional fog—lost in the heaviness of a...